Woooooof, this searched post came at a time where I needed it. Currently feeling the green eyes come through because of the utter lack of resourcing I feel from one of my partners. 🥹 but having to explain to them that it’s not about *the fact that they’re dating and exploring something meaningful with someone new,* it’s more that they neglected to time manage effectively enough for connections.

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I feel your pain. Time allocation with various partners can be so tough to balance. I hope what you communicate to them around this is well received and that you feel closer and more seen as a result.

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Thank you for writing this post about jealousy to bring to the surface a topic that is actually quite taboo to talk about in relationships. I resonated with it on a personal level especially the part around feeling shameful as a result of being jealous. Lots to explore here :)

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Yes I think the topic of jealousy warrants multiple posts! Thanks for sharing <3

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